This tells the search engine to come back again and re-index your site every 10 days using this example.

Travis Parsons Dot Net - BLOG

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Here are some Halloween related stuff. Enjoy!!

Time Lapse of a Rotting Pumpkin

It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown

Garfield's Halloween Adventure (parts 1, 2 & 3)

Disney's Halloween Treat: Merlin vs. Mimm

Lonesome Ghosts (Mickey, Goofy & Donald)

Very OLD Disney Halloween Cartoons w/ Monster Mash

Classic Betty Boop Halloween Cartoon (This was eventually Banned)

Guide to Halloween

Click here

Monday, October 30, 2006

Carve a pumpkin!

Get in the Halloween spirit with online pumpkin carving.

Click Here

Engrish? You Like?

I find poorly translated English by Asians (Engrish) to be funny. Maybe you will too. Click Here

Matt Damon gets pissed off at Jimmy Kimmel (old..I know)

I'm not sure if it is staged or not...but still funny

Bet on the Future

Like to bet? Like the future? Why not bet on it? Do you think that by the year 2150, over 50% of schools in the USA or Western Europe will require classes in defending against robot attacks?? Go to this site and vote yes or no...look at other predictions...or create your own!

Long Bets

Protestors provide online support for a demoted Pluto

Protestors provide online support for a demoted Pluto -

Protestors provide online support for a demoted Pluto

Newsday Staff Writer

October 29, 2006

First came the petitions.

Then the angry mnemonics, like "My! Very educated morons just screwed up numerous planetariums." And, inevitably, the bumper stickers: "Honk if Pluto is still a planet."

The United States is arguably a much noisier place, judging by the sheer volume of protests lodged in the two months since several hundred members of the International Astronomical Union voted to define what constitutes a planet, booting Pluto in the process.

Pluto orbits the sun and is nearly round, but the majority ruled it hadn't cleared the celestial "neighborhood around its orbit." The diminutive world just didn't have the oomph to rid its orbit of interloping ice balls in the Kuiper Belt at the edge of our solar system.

'It's an oddball'

"Ridiculous!" responded Richard Fienberg, the editor in chief of Sky & Telescope magazine. Scores of astronomers joined him in calling the decision process so flawed that it has rendered the definition of a planet all but meaningless.

"Practically, there's a lot of people who are just going to ignore it," said Mark Sykes, director of the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Ariz., and a driving force behind an online petition that has said as much.

Gonzalo Tancredi, a planetary astronomer at the University of Uruguay in Montevideo, disagreed, defending the "good agreement" as one based on the best available science.

"Maybe it's not a perfect one, but it's the one that reflects better the present knowledge about the solar system," he said.

Far beyond the astronomical dispute, though, the demotion of Pluto spurred an upwelling of public sentiment in editorials, petitions and blogs, and spawned a Web-based cottage industry devoted to defending a distant orb one-fifth the mass of the moon.

Amid the frenzy, schoolchildren repeatedly lodged the same tearful query: "What happened to Pluto?"

As educators are discovering, though, the question may have opened the door to teaching the public about science -- and a dirty iceball that clearly holds some sentimental value.

"It's the littlest planet. It's way out there. It's an oddball," said Mark Bullock, a planetary scientist at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colo. In short, Pluto embodies the underdog. And, of course, it shares a name with the sidekick of a beloved Disney icon.

But what, exactly, defines it?

A questionable definition

A working definition of "planet" -- essentially, a roundish object that orbits a star -- would have expanded our solar system's planetary clique to 12.

The effort had been necessitated by newly discovered orbs such as the Pluto-plus-size Xena (since renamed after Eris, goddess of discord). But on the last day of a turbulent meeting in Prague, Czech Republic, the International Astronomical Union's general assembly did an about-face and dropped the planetary tally to eight, relegating Pluto, Eris and an asteroid named Ceres to the status of "dwarf planets."

Charon, another would-be planet and Pluto's main moon, didn't even make that cut.

Less than a week later, Sykes' petition decrying the decision had been signed by 305 scientists and stargazers from 34 states and a dozen other countries.

Richard Wagener, a Brookhaven National Laboratory atmospheric physicist, said he signed out of dissatisfaction with the fuzzy definition rather than unhappiness that Pluto was excluded from the club.

Especially troubling for Wagener and many other petitioners is the "vague" new requirement for a planet's orbital path to be cleared of debris.

Technically, even Jupiter hasn't managed that feat, as it is both led and followed in its orbit by a legion of asteroids, he said. And if Neptune's neighborhood was truly debris-free, others point out, periodically trespassing Pluto would have been swept away long ago.

Petitions for Pluto

If the back-and-forth had been limited to, say, the Pluto-like body 2005FY9, perhaps few outside of academia would care. But onlookers say Pluto's demise has revealed a large reservoir of cultural attachment to the littlest planet -- and much of the public has refused to accept its new status quietly.

Almost overnight, petitions invoking outraged Disney fans to the presumed immutability of "four seasons, four Beatles, three Stooges and nine planets" popped up online, with sentimentalists adding personal notes ("Get your grubby hands off of Pluto!") or hawking T-shirts with phrases like "Save the Planet" above a lonely-looking orange blob.

In an election, Pluto would have reclaimed its lost status in a landslide, judging by the more than 10,000 votes on one Web site,, or the overwhelming attachment cited by the Discovery Channel Store's (admittedly nonscientific) poll of schoolchildren.

But science, as scientists are fond of saying, is not a popularity contest. "I don't think that we can do much changes to what has been approved," Tancredi said, adding that he would prefer to move on.

Others beg to differ, and Sykes hopes a soon-to-be-launched Web site inviting researchers to provide input and work on consensus papers will reinvigorate the scientific process while arriving at a more useful planetary definition.

Whatever it is now, Pluto is unlikely to go quietly into the night. If nothing else, Sykes and others muse, the dialogue can only help educators tap into a teachable moment that has seized the attention of so many -- or at least given them yet another reason to honk.

One Click...All Jobs...Canada's Largest Job Search

Looking for a job? Save yourself the trouble of going through mountains of websites, and just do a simple search here.

Canada's Largest Job Search Engine

25 Scary Halloween Stories for Free Download

Just in time for Halloween, you can download these stories for FREE via Google. - » 25 Scary Halloween Stories for Free Download via Google

Sunday, October 29, 2006

British to US English Translations...

Pretty interesting the differences. Just as interesting is how we (Newfoundlanders) are a combo of both...but more like the British.

Click Here

Detonate the bomb (puzzle)

If you like solving puzzles, then you may like this little game.

Eerie!! - Abandoned Hospital Webcam.....

Wow..check this out.........just in time for Halloween..

Go see it!

Dress Up Mel Gibson

I loved Braveheart.....but Mel has gone off the deep end IMO.

So why not dress him up? Click Here

Music Quiz

Ever see those images of a ton of different things going on, and they all mean something? Well here is one that deals with bands

i.e. a guy beating up pumpkins would be "Smashing Pumpkins"

Try it for youself by clicking here.

When you want the answers, click here.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

My Favourite Podcasts that it appears that Blogger will allow me to publish posts (if only for a minute), I'm going to share with you some of my favourite podcasts. I had a real nice post done up about another classic TV show but due to the blogger issues....I wound up losing it.

Anyway, for those of you who don't know, a podcast is an audio broadcast that can be downloaded from the internet. They are referred to as podcasts due to many people using their Ipod's to play them, but they will work in any MP3 player, on Audio CDs, or on your computer.

I didn't start listening to these things until recently as I have been traveling from Grand Bank to St. John's and back for the last little while as my girlfriend is attending University while I am working at home until December. During these drives I get sick and tired of listening to the Kelly Clarkson and 50 Cent crap that is on the radio, and I would much rather listen to Talk Radio. Most of the time when I drive the Open Line shows aren't on the air.....the next option is CBC Radio...and 90% of the time I don't feel posh (stuck up?) enough to listen to I started burning off Audio books and Podcasts to listen to on the way.

Well....this takes up a ton of CDs...and I dislike wasting the discs..and dislike wasting my time burning them even moreso. Therefore I bought a nice green Ipod Nano to listen to my podcasts on, and I have been pretty happy with it.

So without further adieu, here are 3 podcasts I am currently listening to..and what it is about them that I like.

  1. Keith and The Girl - This is the top rated podcast out there. You can view their website here, and also download episodes there as well. This podcast is a basic 'talking about nothing' show. The content is funny...but be warned as it is filled with immature themes that should probably only be listend to by "mature" (adult?) audience.
  2. LOST Podcast with Jay & Jack - I admit..I was a big reality TV junkie. Keyword here is "was". I have since moved on to more awesome shows such as The Office, Desperate Housewives (what?), and the best show on TV....Lost. This podcasts offers a nice recap of the episodes, as well as some commentary as to what certain things in the show may, or may not, mean. You can download these podcasts here.
  3. Pro Photography Show - Well as some of you may know, I am a photographer. As such, I like to listen to shows about photography. If you feel the same way (and don't mind the slight nerdiness of the host), check out this podcast here.

Issues with Blogger

It appears that is having some big problems as people are unable to publish anything. I had to switch operating systems just to get this one post through, and I don't think I'll be able to update anything else for a while. Since this is on their end I hope they will see to it ASAP.

Classic TV #2 - Count Duckula

I am dissapointed and upset at the number of people who don't remember Count Duckula. So for those of you who do are some videos.

The opening clip

An clip from the episode "Whodunnit"

The End Credits

Classic Tv #1 - Sesame Street

Ok, I admit..I was a huge fan of Sesame Street as a kid..and I was pretty pissed off when they went with the "Canadian Version" (The polar bear and shit), and now I'm told they don't even have the cookie monster or big bird anyway.....I hate the extreme politically correct people. is one classic in particular that I have been wanting to see again for some time now. If you are reading this Jon...FINALLY we can hear it again eh?


Anyone remember Forgetful Jones??

And now a funny clip from Dave Chappelle (Language may not be suitable for kids)

Newfoundlanders Against Student Debt

Well for the few of you guys who don't know, I have spearheaded a movement that will hopefully see interest diminished on Newfoundland and Labrador Student Loans.

The website is here

Friday, October 20, 2006

I hate Outkast..I love Acoustic music...this combines both!!

Hippie Covers Outkast at Smit Happens

If you like stop motion video like that one Ben did...check this out

My Animated World - A full day shown in stop motion video

A Gamers' Manifesto: Best..>Rant...Ever

This is a great rant about the problems in the current gaming industry. I highly recommend it.

A Gamers' Manifesto

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ben takes a picture of himself everyday.

MySpace Kings....

I dislike the whole "MySpace Culture" this video is appealing to me. Especially the funny shit about the EMO guys.

Man gets hit by lightning bolt charge

This is crazy!!! (Some cursing in video)

OMG Girlz Don't Exist on teh Intarweb!!!!1

Reminds me of the old days on IRC....

Click Here

Movie Mistakes

It may be a bit weird but I enjoy odd mistakes in movies. I'm normally a perfectionist in my own work..but yet I like mistakes in somebody elses work? Anyway..enough rambling...check this site out by going here.

Unusal Hotels

It would be pretty cool to stay in some of these hotels.

See them here

Do you smoke?

A good motivator to quit is to have this on the ceiling of your house or workplace.

Like Stones? Like Circles?....

Stonehenge may be the most popular of the rocks...but it is definately not the only ancient group of them.

Check this site out: Stone Pages

Saturday, October 14, 2006


They may call Sniderman - Spiderman....but I think we could call Graham Superman.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Fog Devils vs. Wildcats - Oct 13/06

Gallant Scores his 1st

The boys salute the crowd after the win

2nd star of the game, Ilia Ejov

Graham Scores the first goal of the game

The one and only, most loved and hated man on the Q boards....Trout.

Listen to an Ipod online for free!

This site is pretty freakin cool. You can type in the name of an artist or song in the Ipod and you can listen to the song!

Check it out here at Blogmusik

Do you like cats?

I personally do not. Well...not all cats....I like my own. This feline grew up with dogs and you can literally rub hinm the wrong way and he will just purr away. So basically the following are criteria for me liking a cat:

Application to be my pet cat

1. Do not try to tear my head off if I look you in the eye
2. Do not believe that my feet are monsters from the movie tremors, and try your hardest to remove them from under the bed sheets.
3. If for some reason I move your fur in the direction opposite to the grain...please refrain from emmitting a deafing moan and proceeding to decapitate me.
4. If I have to pick you up and move you from one location to the other for your own saftey, please don't act as if you are a mountain climber and I am the Matterhorn. I don't take too kindly to creatures impaling my skin with their claws.

If you follow these 4 basic rules, I may consider you for a pet.

If you want to see some crazy cats and a mix of funny and stupid captions. Click here

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Pick Your Gods

Despite what some people think, I'm not atheist. However, I am not religous either. This all leads to the fact that I am agnostic. I am not bold enough to claim there isn't a God of some sort...nor am I bold enough to say there is a God. Who are we to say what greater power is at work...or are we just alone? Either way I like mythology and history, and some of these Gods are crazy. Check out this sample.

Ilmatar - Finnish God - Ilmatar is the Goddess of Air, and creator of the world via a cosmic egg cooker!!

Jari - Pacific Islands God - Daughter of GOGO, a primitive snake Goddess. She married a being called Snake Man but left in a hurry when he ate her mom. Eventually she found Kamarong, a Lizard Man who was a bit of a mess, having no backside or penis. She made him genitals from breadfruit and betel nuts and pierced a hole for the waste disposal.
They went on to copulate and populate without ever having to call in a plumber.

Kanaloa- Pacific Islands God - Nasty smelly squidgy Squid God

Tefnut - Egyptian God - Lion-headed Goddess of Moisture and Wetness. Mostly water, rain, dew, and bodily fluids of an unmentionable nature. She's also fond of spitting.

Check out the entire website here.

Yet another addicting online arty thing....

I apologize in advance for the time I'm about to cause you to waste.

Click Here to check it out

Transparent Computer Screens

Check out this cool website showing off a neat trick you can do with your monitor and a digital camera. Try your own and mail them to me and I will post them on the blog.

Click here to see the site

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Patten's Fire - Grand Bank 1 of 2

This is an old video I dug up of Patten's Store when it caught fire and burned to the ground.

This is part 1 of 2:

Mitch of my favourite comics

RIP Mitch..

The Best Simpson's Intros from Seasons 16&17

Need a CD or DVD cover?

If you burn many DVDs or CDs...then this site will be of great use. You can search for any CD or DVD and it will output a list of covers.

Click Here

You think some roads in Newfoundland are bad?

If you think some of the roads in Newfoundland are dangerous to drive on...don't feel so bad!


Orca 1 - Japanese Kayaker 0

Look at what happens when an Orca whale meets a Japanese sea kayaker.


This is incredible. Look at how this computerized whiteboard works.

Pet Peeve #1 - Bad Parkers

You'll quickly come to realize that I have a lot of pet peeves. Maybe that means I am a picky bastard...or maybe I just come to realize what my pet peeves are when other people just moan about. But either way...without further 1st pet peeve is..... bad parkers

You know exactly what I am talking about....people who have absolutely no idea how to park between two lines. Somehow these "people" have passed their driver exams and still..they can't park at all.

This page sums it up perfectly..and they have a cool system of putting a sticker on the car when they find one. Check it out!

I hate bad parkers

Do You Like Space?

Well if you didn't might now. Check out these amazing pictures from a little place called "space".


Robbie Schremp is Insane

Check out this video of Oilers prospect Robbie Schremp.

A Brand New Brand

Well as many of you may know, Newfounland and Labrador now has a new "brand". The Logo the conservative government chose was the following:

I know what some of you are thinking "Oh, look at that pretty fairy lookin' font..OH..and loli-pops as well"...others may think "Where the hell is the "and"....and why does the pitcher plant look like old-fashioned blouse buttons?"

Well I don't have the answer. I admit..I kind of like the logo...but my head is scolding me for it. For some reason I can't get past the fact that it seems to me as if the PC government (read: Danny's Team) wanted to ditch the old 'blood red liberal' text, and let the rest of the country know that our province doesn't care that much about rural Newfoundland and Labrador, is arrogant, and sums it up with Tory blue.

As if the fact that the blue font doesn't say "Conservatives Be Here!" loud enough, the fact that the government spent $1,000,000....that's right a million freaking bucks!! on the ad.

I wonder what that $1,000,000 could have been better used at?

What about use some of it to finish the hospital in Grand Bank?

What about do something with the aging ferry fleet?

And that isn't even considering health care, highways, plant workers, etc...

I admit though, I am a sucker for this new video ad... :



Bored? Like arty stuff?

If you are bored at work or wherever and like to make something. Check out this link that creates a kaleidoscope tyle thing. Pretty cool.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

They want it that way

10-10-06 ~ Crazy Video of the Day

They want it that way.

Asians + Computer + Camera + Backstreet Boys = Funny enough to make my site.


LIST - "Get in a Good Mood Songs"

I love lists...and as such I feel like putting them on my website. Each list will be blogged as well, so please feel free to create your own lists in the same theme...and then argue amongst yourselves.

My current Top 10 "Get in a Good Mood" Songs

10.Bon Jovi - Dead or Alive

9. INXS - Pretty Vegas

8. Legato - Lager & Ale

7. The Knack - My Sharona

6. Jim Croce - Don't Mess Around with Jim

5. Great White - Once Bitten Twice Shy

4. Jet - Cold Hard Bitch

3. KT Tunstall - Black Horse & a Cherry Tree

2. Juke Kartel - Throw it Away

1. ACDC - It's a Long Way to the Top

Monday, October 09, 2006

First Post

Well, here is the first of what should be many blogs. These blogs will generally cover the following: Lists (who doesn't love lists), Photoshop contests, digital photography, hockey (and other sports), tech (geeky?) stuff, and basically anything I want to rant about. I invite you to check back as frequently as you want.
