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Travis Parsons Dot Net - BLOG

Friday, October 13, 2006

Do you like cats?

I personally do not. Well...not all cats....I like my own. This feline grew up with dogs and you can literally rub hinm the wrong way and he will just purr away. So basically the following are criteria for me liking a cat:

Application to be my pet cat

1. Do not try to tear my head off if I look you in the eye
2. Do not believe that my feet are monsters from the movie tremors, and try your hardest to remove them from under the bed sheets.
3. If for some reason I move your fur in the direction opposite to the grain...please refrain from emmitting a deafing moan and proceeding to decapitate me.
4. If I have to pick you up and move you from one location to the other for your own saftey, please don't act as if you are a mountain climber and I am the Matterhorn. I don't take too kindly to creatures impaling my skin with their claws.

If you follow these 4 basic rules, I may consider you for a pet.

If you want to see some crazy cats and a mix of funny and stupid captions. Click here


  • Haha, oh my. That is so true. Cats CAN be crazy like that, can't they? I agree that Felix is the best cat in the world. He's the only one I'll attempt to rub or move.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:44 PM, October 18, 2006  

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