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Travis Parsons Dot Net - BLOG

Saturday, October 28, 2006

My Favourite Podcasts that it appears that Blogger will allow me to publish posts (if only for a minute), I'm going to share with you some of my favourite podcasts. I had a real nice post done up about another classic TV show but due to the blogger issues....I wound up losing it.

Anyway, for those of you who don't know, a podcast is an audio broadcast that can be downloaded from the internet. They are referred to as podcasts due to many people using their Ipod's to play them, but they will work in any MP3 player, on Audio CDs, or on your computer.

I didn't start listening to these things until recently as I have been traveling from Grand Bank to St. John's and back for the last little while as my girlfriend is attending University while I am working at home until December. During these drives I get sick and tired of listening to the Kelly Clarkson and 50 Cent crap that is on the radio, and I would much rather listen to Talk Radio. Most of the time when I drive the Open Line shows aren't on the air.....the next option is CBC Radio...and 90% of the time I don't feel posh (stuck up?) enough to listen to I started burning off Audio books and Podcasts to listen to on the way.

Well....this takes up a ton of CDs...and I dislike wasting the discs..and dislike wasting my time burning them even moreso. Therefore I bought a nice green Ipod Nano to listen to my podcasts on, and I have been pretty happy with it.

So without further adieu, here are 3 podcasts I am currently listening to..and what it is about them that I like.

  1. Keith and The Girl - This is the top rated podcast out there. You can view their website here, and also download episodes there as well. This podcast is a basic 'talking about nothing' show. The content is funny...but be warned as it is filled with immature themes that should probably only be listend to by "mature" (adult?) audience.
  2. LOST Podcast with Jay & Jack - I admit..I was a big reality TV junkie. Keyword here is "was". I have since moved on to more awesome shows such as The Office, Desperate Housewives (what?), and the best show on TV....Lost. This podcasts offers a nice recap of the episodes, as well as some commentary as to what certain things in the show may, or may not, mean. You can download these podcasts here.
  3. Pro Photography Show - Well as some of you may know, I am a photographer. As such, I like to listen to shows about photography. If you feel the same way (and don't mind the slight nerdiness of the host), check out this podcast here.


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